Saturday, December 31, 2011

Aphrodesia by Hypno Diva

Aphrodesia is the arousing pre_cursor to an aroused state of mind and body, used in ancient times to render a member of the opposite sex into a state that made them pliable and controllable. The sexual content of folklure such as spanish fly, or modern day viagra crushed and slipped into a drink to make someone feel the aroused state in a physical manner. While Hypno diva uses another approach to this age old fairy tale and that is her voice to soothe away the tension, the tone of inflicitions raising the arousal level of the listener, Hypno diva draws on her erotic expertise to transport the mind into a whirl of aroused sensations, floating the body away and concentrating on the mind to realize just how much one may want to feel her charm take you to nirvana. Sexual awakening and directed compliance to a dominant mistress whom is only seeking pleasure in a surreal state. Aphrodesia is a listening pleasure that may cause arousal and a desire to relisten until all that fills the superconscious mind is the sexy sound of sensual satisfaction at the words of Danika aka Hypno diva.
This file can be found through links at Inraptured dot com or Hypnoboro dot com a hypnosis marketplace.


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