Sunday, November 27, 2011

Erotic Hypnosis Review of At My Command

Somedays get better than others, journeys all begin with a listen here and guidance there. I have blogged many times about the want and desire to feel the rush or the relaxation of trance; with the help of people here on Inraptured that dream is and continues to be a progress in deep conscience loss. Live sessions contnued to build on each breakthrough, recorded sessions seemed to fall into knocking me out as falling to sleep not a hypnotic trance but a nap or nightime chase of rem state; or a guided enhancement to make me feel that releasing some fluid was the end result intented to make the listener feel justified in his or her purchase. Reality or miraculous moments enter into message exchanges and the kindness or generosity of a hypno domme changed the perception yet again. Exchanging messages the debate within my mind was did I want submission or hypnotic trance, but in real time the desire to achieve orgasm was like an ache hidden deep inside the mind, ejaculation had transferred the male fluid into many moments of internal debate. Mistress Carol developed a file titled At My Command this long induction and mental map seemed to be tailored in a complete different venue than the Mistress comming to you and bringing your statisfaction to completion. The soft sensual tones that are so natural to Mistress Carol soothes away the fight of the conscious mind to keep control. Her voice tells of the images that She invisions for you, and if one belongs to another eases away any concerns that She is poaching upon you. As all good directors Mistress Carol instructs you on how to prepare, and confirms that once you follow Her wishes, that each flow of Her volcabulary is in concert with your wishes and desires. Using words of colour the picture is painted and the mind if one can imagine the scene would be like an artist gallery but for those of us whom do not make pictures the words set it as if you are transported there. Using the scene and a very unique induction She takes you down and reinforces the depth of trance layer by layer, and then as if a switch is flicked a moment is lost and then Mistress Carol is talking to you inside your head loud and clear and many rainbows of emotions are strummed like a flamingo guitarist picking the cords building to a cresendo. Just as you are drifting on a series of words the bottom falls out and Mistress Carol hints as what you are going to feel and brings you back up and as the relaxation settles in and you look at the clock almost sixty minutes have passed you by and a longing is tugging at your very core. Yes Mistress Carol At Your Command.


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